Current Projects
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USAID Health Service Quality Accelerator (HSQA) Activity (2021 – 2026)

The Health Services Quality Accelerator (HSQA) Activity of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) aims to sustain and advance improvements in equitable reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) outcomes, specifically targeting disadvantaged segments of the population. The HSQA Activity supports new and innovative approaches to improve the equity and quality of RMNCH services in the public and private sectors and strengthen the Ministry of Health’s (MOH’s) capacity to act as a steward for improving the quality of RMNCH Services. To accomplish the Activity goal, HSQA engages with the private sector to seek out market-driven and mutually beneficial solutions to improve the quality of, and increase equitable access to, RMNCH services. Al Jidara’s vital role is providing short-term technical assistance and introducing investment opportunities to capitalize on private sector contributions and business Acumen. Al Jidara provided technical assistance in mapping and assessing opportunities across the full spectrum of private sector alliances and activate prospects to strengthen private sector engagement to RMNCH service delivery via growing private health sector and other health and non-health beneficiaries. Moreover, Al Jidara is supporting the MoH to engage private health institutions, universities, and other stakeholders in designing regional, scalable, integrated collaborative RMNCH networks within selected geographic areas to magnify and test the private partnership engagement, accountability models, and any innovative initiatives, as applicable. Additionally, Al Jidara is supporting new and existing initiatives that have systems for assessing performance, disseminating data on it, along with rewards/recognition and targeted improvement activities, in order to define providers' accountability in the context of Jordan and create and test models to promote providers' accountability.