Type of project related:
GIZ – Labour Market Oriented Vocational Education, Higher Education and Training MOVEHET (2018)

To support GIZ in the implementation of the project, Al Jidara’s identified occupational fields within sectors with high training and education demand (Vocational, Technical and Higher Education) and high potential for employment, as well as identifying the career pathways for these occupations. Additionally, Al Jidara supported the Dual Study Program, Piloted by GJU by conducting a training needs analysis for the logistics and ICT sectors to understand and bridge the gap between the training and education provided and the needs of the private sector and explore the interest of the private sector to participate in the Dual Study Program.
The outcome of phase one supported the identification of two occupational fields within the preselected ICT & Logistics sectors that have a high matching potential for TVET and HE Dual Study program. The second phase obtained more in-depth insights on the demand side and the willingness of the companies to participate in the Dual Study Program (DSP). For the third phase, the outcomes included the validation on the direction of the feasibility and mechanism of designing interventions to support bridging the skills gap between supply and demand within these sectors. The focus of the final phase was on two pre-selected economic sectors: Logistics and ICT/Computer Sciences where Al Jidara developed a report that complied and populated the findings gathered.
The final phase was the development of a report that compiled and populated the findings gathered throughout the duration of the assignment, regarding the TVET and Higher Education status in Jordan, in regard to the correlation between education and training received and the skills and competencies needed within the respective private sector companies operating within the same field. The focus was on two pre-selected economic sectors: Logistics and ICT/Computer Sciences, and on the newly defined sectors and occupations.