Current Projects
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ILO – Country Programme Mid-Term Review (2014)

Al Jidara undertook a comprehensive mid-point review of Jordan's Decent Work Country Program (DWCP), employing a multifaceted approach to assess the program's overall relevance amid evolving national development challenges. The evaluation encompassed a thorough desk review, analyzing key ILO documents, evaluations, and studies pertaining to the Jordan DWCP. Additionally, a review of pertinent national documents, such as the National Employment Strategy, National Development Framework, National Agenda, and the National Resilience Plan, was conducted. The assessment included an interview process engaging key national counterparts, donors, UN agencies, ILO staff in the Regional Office for Arab States, relevant departments in Geneva, and ILO projects' coordinators in Amman.
The review's findings, meticulously summarized, underwent verification with both the ILO and local stakeholders. Al Jidara presented recommendations aimed at enhancing program alignment with national priorities and improving overall program management, encompassing monitoring and evaluation systems and practices. This structured and comprehensive approach by Al Jidara ensured a thorough understanding of the program's dynamics and contributed to informed recommendations for program enhancement.