Current Projects
USAID – Jordan Rule of Law Program (2008 – 2011)

ROLP aims to support Jordan’s efforts to improve protections for human and legal rights, enhance the effectiveness of its judicial system, and foster government accountability across the executive branch, while strengthening civil society and the private sector. The Project provided technical assistance to improve the Cassation Court’s ability to render final appeals decisions, improved the efficiency and transparency of court services to Jordanian citizens and lawyers, strengthened the skills and knowledge of judges and court staff, enhanced and expanded the courts’ nationwide computerized case management system, and assisted the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to develop and implement justice sector upgrade efforts.
Al Jidara played a pivotal role in enhancing organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency within the Jordanian Ombudsman Bureau (JOB) and the Judicial Council. Through a strategic planning exercise, Al Jidara formulated a comprehensive strategy for the JOB, outlining strategic dimensions, objectives, and initiatives. This involved detailed implementation plans, including budgeting, timeframes, project responsibilities, KPIs, and project descriptions. To strengthen the JOB's operations, policies, and institutional structure, key improvement priorities and recommendations were identified. Additionally, Al Jidara conducted a capacity and needs assessment, providing informed recommendations for enhancing the Judicial Council's Judges' Affairs unit and Secretariat. The project also involved supporting the establishment of technical units at the Judicial Council through the development of a Manual of Procedures, encompassing detailed Standard Operating Procedures, control procedures, policies, and forms for the new units.