Current Projects
USAID – Local Governance Development Program (2007 – 2009)

Municipal Capacity Building under the USAID Local Governance Development Program has Provided Municipal Management and Supervisory Skills (MMSS) training program to managers, supervisors, and key staff members in six distinct areas: Management Theory, Gender issues and Communication Skills, Managing Others, Managing Multiple Priorities, Managing Difficult Behaviors and Managing Quality Service. These training classes were offered in clusters that were replicated across the nine municipalities in scope. Al Jidara was the main local consortium partner and held several long-term key managerial and technical positions and contributed significantly to the success of the program.
Al Jidara implemented the following key components through its key role: led the design and implementation of the component’s activities aimed at strengthening municipal-private sector relationships and building mechanisms for long term sustainable development, designed and developed institutional tools and mechanisms to facilitate the development of public-private partnerships at the municipal level, provided leadership and design for the Public Private Partnership strategy document to be adopted by municipalities in Jordan, and designed the PPP Tool kit for municipalities that provided detailed and in-depth guidance on how to initiate and implement Public Private Partnerships. Al Jidara coordinated projects within the overall municipal strengthening component targeting the nine selected municipalities, oversight over the Municipal Management and Supervisory Skills (MMSS) training program, development of an HR Guide/Manual that covered modern HR practices/Policies and trained the nine Municipalities on how to use the Guide, designed and launched Quality Service Improvement Program (QSIP).