Strengthening the management of government administration by designing robust policies and implementing efficient and enforceable systems and procedures to improve policy development and decision making mechanisms. Developing institutional tools for quality decision-making that expedite strategic and operational decisions; evaluate options systematically; and ensure decisions are implemented, monitored, and evaluated.

Featured Projects:

  • Developing Jordan’s Council of Ministers guidebook for policy making.
  • Developing a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative database system for use by businesses and investors.
  • Building a comprehensive Trade and Investment Information system.
  • Supporting the establishment of the Jordan National Competitiveness Observatory, and co-authoring its first publication.
  • Restructuring the Prime Ministry, including the Prime Minister’s office, the General Secretariat and the Council of Ministers.
  • Establishing the Government Performance Directorate.
  • Developing concept notes and providing advisory services on machinery of government, service delivery, and government streamlining.
  • Benchmarking the services of the Government of Jordan with regional and international governments.