
Gender Justice to Increase Women's Economic Opportunities & Income in Jordan


Under the UNDP, Al Jidara worked on the research project “Gender justice to increase women's economic opportunities and income in Jordan” to assist the UNDP in identifying the gaps women face in the legal, justice, policy, and financial sectors. The project aimed to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of enhancing equitable access to a gender-responsive judicial process and a gender-inclusive financial system.

The research report analyzed financial actors in Jordan, such as banks and micro-finance institutions (MFIs), and used first-hand research by conducting key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) in Amman and Irbid. Women from rural and urban areas were interviewed about their experience in accessing economic and financial resources in Jordan while representatives from MFIs and the Central Bank of Jordan were also interviewed. Using research on the economic context of Jordan before and after COVID-19, Al Jidara then utilized the information gained in KIIs, FGDs, and interviews to produce a report that not only identified current financial gaps, but also provided gender-based recommendations to increase women’s participation in Jordan’s economic landscape.