Jordan Gender Program - Takamol
Submitted by administrator1 on Sat, 08/19/2017 - 10:18
Under the USAID/Jordan Gender Program, Al Jidara is a subcontractor and works with the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) to implement a comprehensive program working with communities to raise awareness and promote attitude-shifting dialogue on gender equality while supporting partners in civil society and government to make specific improvements in conditions for women. USAID/Jordan has established a Special Development Objective entitled “Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Enhanced.” The USAID Gender Program supports the three Intermediate Results under this objective:
- Changes in Discriminatory Social Norms and Practices Promoted
- Advocacy and Policy Reforms Enhanced
- Access to Women and Girl‐centered Services Expanded
Al Jidara Services
Al Jidara plays a key role in the following component activities:
- Building local ownership for the Jordan Gender Program and supporting the establishment of two main project advisory panels: the Experts Committee and the Community Advisors.
- Expanding existing and build new partnerships with local and national stakeholders including civil society organizations, Government of Jordan (GOJ) institutions and figures, universities, think tanks, community leaders, and other USAID implementing partners.
- Leading the Social Dialogue component including implementing social dialogue initiatives and public participation efforts.
- Supporting the Jordan Gender Program team in their outreach and communications strategy development and implementation.
- Supporting capacity building activities aiming at strengthening enforcement and advocacy for female empowerment of national women organizations, including the Jordanian National Council for Women, and designing tailored coaching mechanisms for local NGOs.
- Supporting the design of the Program’s M&E plan, and in the development of qualitative and quantitative impact assessment methods.