
USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ)

The USAID Jordan Economic Development Program, commonly known as SABEQ - Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality) was a five year multi-component broad economic development initiative supporting improvements in the business environment and providing assistance to expand innovation and productivity in Jordanian businesses.  All program components supported the common objective of building up the private sector—Jordan’s companies, innovators and entrepreneurs—as a powerful engine of economic growth.  To achieve its goals, SABEQ worked with both the public and private sectors through its four main components:

  • Financial Integrity, Oversight, and Broadened Capital Markets
  • Expanded Trade and Investment
  • Enhanced Business Environment (Removal of GOJ Constraints on Private Sector Competitiveness)
  • Cross Cutting Solutions including Institutional Transformation, Workforce Development , Gender Integration, -Public/Private Dialogue and Outreach

Al Jidara was the main local consortium member covering a wide range of areas included in SABEQ scope of work. The company’s long term consultants led the Enhanced Business Environment component as well as the Local Economic Development (LED) and Workforce Development Solutions.  Al Jidara also provided long term professionals in the areas of Trade and Investment, M&E, and Enhanced Productivity. In addition, Al Jidara provided short term consulting in areas covering all five components of SABEQ with more emphasis on Institutional Transformation, Expanded Trade and Investment, Enhanced Business Environment, and Enhanced Productivity.

Project under Program: